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#huntermoonbooktour Join us and read a new book!
Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon Series) by Cait LavenderBawling cattle tore Shelby Flint from her bed. With lawyer fees to pay in her struggle to keep her ranch from the clutches of her greedy cousins, she couldn’t afford the loss of even one calf. When she sees a large wolf circling her cows, she aims and […]
$50 Educational Insights gift cert up for #giveaway
It’s April 1st but we’re no fools! You have found your chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate to Educational Insights! Educational Insights is a manufacturer of fun learning enhanced products that come with a serious educational value. These include products for the classroom, teacher resources, educational toys and games! Designed by educators and parents, […]
High Dollar Shoe Carnival Coupon
The coolest Spring looks. The hottest deals. Only at Shoe Carnival. Get the best deals on spring looks at Shoe Carnival. Click the picture above to get your coupon.
Print your $4/4 Kelloggs coupons before they go and they go fast!
Click any link below and then do a search for it at zip code 77072. The $4 on 4 Kelloggs coupons will give you some inexpensive cereal when combined with a buy one get one free! They’ve divided the coupons up into different groups to make it simpler for you to search for what you […]
My roses will be bigger this year with Miracle Gro Expand ‘n Gro
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. This mild winter has made my rose bushes grow larger than normal. Expand ‘n Gro™ has offered to give me a sample to use on my roses. They claim they will be 3x larger than normal. That’s going to […]
Weekend Giveaways Link UP!
Come list your weekend giveaways and drive traffic to your site. Remember to tell us the end date and if it is US or WW. Leave a comment when you’re done!
Bloggers come and join up with us~
Friends come and Join up for a free Blogger event! Come join with us in a FREE Blogger Event! You can have your Facebook link added for FREE, and Cuteecakes will provide the prize, $100 PayPal Cash! This is what you need to do to participate: Create a blog post about sign ups for this […]
It’s Kat’s Birthday! Let’s have a party and give away $!
$50 Paypal Cash BDAY BASH Giveaway! Its Kat’s BIRTHDAY!!! She is 27 today. So in honor of her birthday, she got together with a group of bloggers (me) to give our readers a chance to win $50! How fun is that? I just wish I could win fifty bucks! 🙂Please enter on the Rafflecoptor form […]
Pinterest Fun is here! St. Patrick Day ideas
Can you tell I am a former teacher? I have no problem looking for crafts and activities for kids. Here’s what I have found so far. Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest! We have to make a leprechaun trap for my daughter’s class. This one looks good. Source: via Brandi on Pinterest Very […]