Puffed Oven Pancakes

Wanna try something new for breakfast?

I gotcha covered! All breakfast is good…fabulous even…but now and then its fun to try a new recipe. This quickly became a request for birthday mornings and special occasions. And sometimes just because. Long weekends are especially popular for this! 


First lets shop: (most of this you’ll already have!)

Now this recipe is per 9 inch pie plate…and depending on your crowd you’ll need a few

Sticks of butter

2 eggs

1/2 cup flour

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 cup milk

Powdered sugar

Lemon juice (fresh lemons or bottled, your choice)

Now lets make em:

Preheat oven to 400

While its preheating put 2 TBSP butter in each dish then place in oven to melt while its preheating

Butter Pie Plates

Next, in your mixing bowl,  slightly beat your 2 eggs. Add flour, salt, and milk. Mix just until combined, your batter will be lumpy…if you mix to much they will not puff! And pour over the sizzling hot butter in your pie plates!


Poured into the butter

Bake for 25-30 minutes

While its baking you’ll wanna get your table set with powdered sugar, lemon juice, and plates!

Out of the oven


Cut into slices and top with lemon juice then the powdered sugar! If you like you can use fruit and I have a kid who still uses syrup. Really there’s no wrong way to dress it!




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