Everyone deserves their happily ever after…
We’ve been married almost 27 years. And we are living each day our happily ever after.
So what do you have to do to get there? I’ll give you my Top 5 Tips!
1. Perfectly Imperfect
Stop waiting on Prince Charming…he’s not coming…
However the perfectly imperfect person is right there or out there waiting for you. Sure, you should set your standards high, you deserve it. But never set them so high that no one can ever measure up…no one is perfect…stop trying to hold them to it.
Those perfect couples you know and see, they didn’t get to where they are by being perfect. They got there by being in love and never giving up, by being perfectly imperfect!
2. Rolling With The Waves
Like every aspect of life, not just relationships, there are going to be waves to ride. There will be great times, good times, bad times, horrible times, and that gray area where you just have no idea what kind of time it is.
Marriage/Relationships aren’t 50/50…the arent even 100/100 all the time. Sometimes the split is 150/-50. That’s what its all about. Its reaching down deep when you think you got nothing left and pulling out that Hail Mary. But I assure you…riding the waves IS what its all about. It grows you, shows you, and makes you!
3. Your Relationship Is Between 3
Your relationship is made up of the 2 of you and God. Not your best friend (Although there’s nothing wrong with having a best friend to lean on as long as they know when to sympathize AND kick you in the butt when necessary), definitely not social media, and not other family members…anytime it leaks out of your circle of 3 its messy messy messy and almost impossible to re-contain.
You mad? That’s cool. Go sit your butt in the other room and calm down then come back.
4. Communication Is Key
Yeah you might think whats bothering you is petty. You might think what the other person is telling you is bothering them is petty. But if its bothering you, put it out there. Dealing with things is much better when they are petty or small. Little things turn into big things if left to smolder! Big things….and there will be big things….they are obvious and usually blow up…but then they settle…like a rainbow after a huge storm. Without that storm and rain and darkness, you don’t get to see a rainbow. Always appreciate the storms and rainbows in your life.
5. Stop Comparing
Stop comparing your relationship to other relationships. This goes both ways….don’s assume your relationship should be as wonderful as what you perceive someone else’s to be and don’t assume its perilously doomed like others either. You aren’t your parents, your best friends, the couple you see on Facebook you think you wanna be like, you aren’t Snow White and Prince Charming, YOU ARE YOU!
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