7 Bridal Shower Games The Girls Will Love

7 Bridal Shower Games The Girls Will Love

bridal shower games

Bridal showers are one of those parts of the wedding experience that the bride gets to enjoy with her best gal pals. Usually a little more tame than a bachelorette party but still just as fun! My maid-of-honor when all out for my bridal shower which was an Alice in Wonderland theme and we had such a wonderful time. We also played some fun games that were really great ice breakers for those that didn’t know the others before meeting at the party. So with that in mind I thought I would write a post for any of your Bridal Shower party throwers out there that are looking for some fun Bridal Shower Games to include in your party! Let’s check them out!

Here are 7 Bridal Shower Games the girls will love:

1. Recipe for a good marriage game – I think this is really cute. It’s a fun activity to do during the shower, and it’s a great gift for the bride to keep.  

recipe for a good marriage


2. Don’t say Bride game – This is an easy game to play, all you have to do is collect the most rings and when a prize. But don’t forget you can’t say bride! 

don't say bride game

3. Bridal Shower Mad Libs – Who doesn’t love a good mad libs game? And this one doubles as wedding advice for the new bride!

bridal shower mad libs

4. Bridal Scattergories – An oldie but a goodie, you can’t go wrong with scattergories! 

bride scattergories

5. Toilet Paper Lingerie Game –  This is SO much fun and something I personally did at my bridal shower. It’s fun and sure to get everyone laughing. 

toilet paper lingerie game

6. Wedding Advice Jenga – Have everyone write a piece of wedding advice on a jenga piece for the bride and groom to enjoy forever! 

wedding advice jenga


7. “What’s in your purse” bridal shower game – Another classic bridal shower game that is fun for everyone. You know all of them are going to bring their purse, ha!

what's in your purse game


Which Bridal Shower Game is your favorite?


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