I’m honored today to have my friend Sara guest posting on how she lives a greener life. Make sure you check out her bio below and visit her site. Thank you Sara! Every small thing you can do is a help for the environment.
How do you live a greener life?
I believe that my son will inherit this world from me, and any small steps I can take will have a positive impact on the world around me. After my first environmental science class, my eyes opened to the way I am destroying the planet, I vowed at that time to make changes to the way I live.
There are many ways that you can be kind to the planet while living a normal life. Going green can seem intimidating to many, as they envision drastic lifestyle changes taking place in hopes of saving the planet. I would love to share a few ideas on how to live a greener life, with minimal efforts. I would like to share a few ideas with you, in hopes that if we all take a few steps towards a greener lifestyle, our planet and children will reap the rewards of our efforts.
We always end up with too many plastic shopping bags, despite the fact we have numerous cloth bags. I reuse these as I can as many people do. I use them to line small trash cans; I use them to send goodies home with visitors. I recycle these bags in my local stores, but they still end up taking over the space under my kitchen sink.
I discovered a way to keep the bags tidy and put another item that would be otherwise destined for the garbage. An empty tissue box will store plastic shopping bags beautifully and will give a second life to not one but 2 items!
Dryer Sheets are a commonly thrown away item that has another use! Did you know that a used dryer sheet can be a super helper in the kitchen? Whenever you have a baked on mess, fill the dish with hot water. Drop in a used dryer sheet and allow it to soak until the water turns cool. Empty the water and the used dryer sheet from the dish and wash normally. You will be amazed at how easily any baked on mess washes off with this trick.
My son loves little cups of yogurt. I have found that these little cups make an ideal container for starting seedlings. Simply wash the little yogurt cups and allow to dry. You can stack them easily for storage until next spring. When the time comes to start your seedlings, make a few small holes in the bottom of the container for drainage. Fill the cup with potting soil and plant your seeds. These cups can be reused time and time again.
Reduce the amount of water you use by turning off the water while you are soaping up in the shower! This can lead to huge savings on your water utility. Water is the basis for life. Every creature needs water to survive and we do not have unlimited amounts of fresh water. Use water wisely, turn off the faucet when you are brushing your teeth, and instead of allowing the faucet to run until the water is cool enough to drink, consider keeping a pitcher of water in your refrigerator for drinking.
Recycle whenever you can! Plastic, paper, aluminum and glass recycling are available in most areas. When you recycle an item, you save it from a landfill! Scientists are not exactly sure if plastic ever decomposes, or if it just turns into smaller bits as time passes. Even in a landfill not every item, such as wood, food scraps and paper will break down. The lack of air in a landfill can cause these items to mummify.
There are many ways you can live a greener lifestyle. Turn off lights and unplug appliances that are not in use, hang your clothes outside to dry. Reuse any items you can, reduce the amount of garbage you produce by recycling. Spread the word to others about recycling and waste reduction. Buy local foods whenever you can!
Our children and future generations are depending upon us! If we all take a small step to make positive changes, the world will be a better, brighter, greener place! When we are kind to the environment we are helping to save plant, water and animal life and we are setting a good example for our children.
Sara McKibben-Lehman writes the Sweet Silly Sara blog. She is a college student, wife, and most importantly a stay at home Mom! Among Sara’s interests are greener living, baking bread, shopping, animals, reading and travel and Dr. Seuss. Sara also owns the Sublime Media Connection, offering social media strategies to bloggers and companies.http://sweetsillysarasara.blogspot.com/ and www.sublimemediaconnection.com
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