Menu Monday use what you have! #planyourmeals #menumonday

menu monday 1

Occasionally it’s always good to eat whatever is in your fridge and freezer. It allows you to get out the old and then later on bring in the new. It also allows for you to not spend  money and make do with what you have. I don’t always do this. But I do tend to do it more in the summer when we go on vacation and then need our dollars to stretch until next paycheck. So yes, I am doing it again. LOL Sorry you’re having to see it again. But here’s what’s left in my fridge and what we will be eating for 9 days until my hubby gets paid.

Monday Bean burritos salsa and chips

Tuesday zuppa toscano soup copycat recipe from Olive Garden

Wednesday Beef stew in crockpot

Thursday grilled italian chicken sandwiches, baked potatoes zucchini crisps

Friday homemade pizza

Saturday  spaghetti with wine sauce and hamburger

Sunday white chicken chili

Monday fettucini alfredo, broccoli, carrot sticks

Tuesday beef tips over rice, salad, green beans

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