Can you hear that? It’s the sound of kids sleeping in. It’s a beautiful thing. Truly. I’m so excited for the sleeping in aspect. I’m not so excited for the trying to work at home with 3 kids here aspect. But like all summers we’ll be fine! I love summer. It’s when I try to get my work done before they wake and then we go to the lake and swim and eat all day. Ahh summer. In honor of summer I’m making some simple meals that won’t heat up the house too much.
Monday we had zuppa toscana soup. Yum~
Tuesday Barbecue chicken on the grill, corn, and salad using our lettuce from the container garden on the deck. I will also grill hotdogs for the kids and I to eat on this week.
Wednesday Cold pasta salad with leftover chicken from the grill yesterday.
Thursday Crockpot pork sandwiches, baked beans, raspberries (homegrown)
Friday Baked potatoes in the slow cooker with broccoli and cheese and a side salad
What do you like to make when it’s summer and hot outside?
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