It’s a rainy, yucky Monday here. I’m needing to get my menu planned so I can move on with my day. I hate it when I don’t plan because then I’m scrambling at the last minute to throw something together. Here’s our week of meals.
Monday is always meatless. So I’m making vegetable soup and cornbread. The weather is supposed to be bad about dinner time so I will probably make it early so it’s ready.
Tuesday Sloppy Joes recipe with baked potatoes and broccoli
Wednesday Barbecue chicken legs in the crockpot, roasted cabbage, sweet corn
Thursday Beef Stroganof with hamburger, steamed asparagus, fresh pineapple
Friday Homemade pizza
Saturday Spaghetti, side salad, fresh baked no knead bread
Sunday Zuppa Toscano Copycat Olive Garden recipe with kale
Check out these other recipes:
Yummy Detox Water so good for you.
My daughter’s lip balm recipe.
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