We just got back from a short vacation. We had a blast and as all vacations go spent more then I wanted too. So this will most definitely be a use it up week. Here’s what we are having for dinners this week.
Monday Ground turkey chili It’s simmering right now and smells divine. I also made pink salad for dessert.
Tuesday Baked Chicken and rice with a side of broccoli
Wednesday My hubby’s birthday! We’ll be having per his request beef stew and cornbread. Yummo
Thursday Tilapia, baked potatoes, green beans
Friday Homemade veggie pizza
If all else fails I always have pinto beans and cornbread. Do you have a good dump recipe you’d like me to make a featured dish? Share it with me in the comments and I just might make it next week! I love to hear how you use up all your leftovers.
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