Easy eggs for breakfast..so easy your kids can make it!

When I’m craving eggs I do a simple thing and make them in the microwave. This is so simple that even my daughter can make it.  My kids make this recipe on a regular basis.  

easy scrambled eggs recipe

  1.  You start with 2 eggs. 
  2. Whisk them to break the yolks.
  3. Cook in microwave for 45 seconds.
  4. Add cheese, ham, spinach, whatever you like.
  5. Cook 45 seconds more. 
  6. Eat and enjoy. 

**Notice my microwave is 25 years old so if you have a newer one it may take less time. 🙂 Do you have a quick and easy breakfast recipe? Share it with me in the comments. 


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  1. thanks for the great idea. I will definitely be trying this

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