My son is getting ready for college. He’ll be there in less then 2 years. How can that be? Wasn’t he just my baby a year ago? The good thing about being a blogger is that I get to know the new and upcoming trends. I am aware of a great way to save money when my son goes to college. I want you to be aware of this great way to save money too. Campus book rentals rents you the textbooks instead of purchasing them and then getting a third of your money back when you sell them back to the bookstore at the end of the semester. How nuts is that?
I know as a mom who tries to watch my pennies that I’d rather him rent the books and save myself and him the headache and the cash on the textbooks. Then, they also have a rentback program. What’s that you’re wondering? That’s when you have already bought the book rather then sell it to the bookstore for a third rent it back to another college student through their rentback program and make 2-4x what the book cost! That’s another win/win for us moms and college students.
Wondering how it all works?:
A great thing about Campus Book Rentals is that for every book that is rented they donate to a great program called Operation Smile. What a great way to see your hard earned money keep working for you. You get free shipping from them to you and from you to them when the semester is over. You save 40-90% off normal bookstore prices. You are allowed to highlight in the books and they have flexible renting periods. It’s a win/win!
My father used to be an accountant. He’d love it if my son wanted to go into accounting too. Here’s a great financial book that he will need for accounting classes. It shows you how much you can actually save when you use campus book rentals instead of buying!
Save money and get those kids to college! You won’t regret the savings and they will be better for it.
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