Menu Monday #menumonday #planyourmeals

Planning my meals for the week. More planning equals less chance of eating out. Of course with a family of 5 we do not eat out very often. It’s just too expensive. Our little babies are 16, 10 and 7.  Only the 7 year old eats a kids meal!  So no eating out for us. Here’s our meals for the week. 

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Monday: Big salad with lots of veggies, hard boiled eggs, etc. We try to do meatless at least once a week and usually on Monday.

Tuesday: Crockpot Meal BBQ chicken in the crockpot

Wednesday: Hamburgers grilled with french fries

Thursday: Homemade Veggie Pizza

Friday: Red Wine Slow Cooker Chicken 

Saturday: grilled chicken, corn on the cob, baked squash

What’s for dinner at your house? Do you find you cook more with a menu plan or does it ?


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