How does your garden grow?

Here’s my garden this week. We’ve actually already eaten kale, spinach and lettuce out of the garden this year. Yay. Now how do I get the bugs from eating my cabbage and broccoli? Anyone? Please I need ideas here!

My kale and spinach.

broccoli and tomatoes (see that broccoli in the center…so exciting!) See the holes in my leaves…not exciting…mean bugs!

Onions…man it’s hard to take pics outside with an iPad. Sorry you can’t tell it’s onions (think green onions).

I have about 9 volunteer plants growing. 3 squash, 3 peppers and 3 tomatoes. This is the spaghetti squash and I love it when they volunteer to just pop up on their own.

This is my inside lettuce and celery. The lettuce has replenished and next week I should be able to have another salad. The celery is growing great! The two purple flowers are from my girl for Mother’s Day! Awww!

Now anyone have any earth friendly ideas to keep bugs off the broccoli and cabbage? Happy gardening! How’s your garden looking?

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