Make your own butter in 3 easy steps!

A few weeks back my daughter and I went on a field trip to a local historical civil war home. They do everything the way that they did back in the old days.  We saw them separate the cream from milk to make coffee creamer and then the next step was to make butter. As I’m watching it I am sure that I can make this at home in my kitchen aid mixer. The butter that we had eaten was so creamy and good that we had to try to make this at home. Here are the steps we took.

1. Go to store and buy heavy whipping cream. It cost me about $2.19 (which is cheaper then actual butter).

2. Put the heavy whipping cream in the mixer and turn it on for about 8-10 minutes. Do not leave the room, you have to stay and monitor the butter.


Then the butter begins to chunk up.

Here the butter is cnunking up. The next step is critical and you must stay in the room for it.

When you see milk return to the bottom of the bowl, your butter is done. Drain the milk out of the bowl. Then rinse the butter under cold water and refrigerate.


You just made your own butter. It tastes so good and so much better than store bought butter. I saw butter on sale this week at my local store for $2.69. So much cheaper and better if you have the time!

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