5 tips for a beautiful inexpensive wedding Need to do your wedding on a budget? Just ask me. I should know, my wedding was on a budget and under $2000. I mean you are there for the significance of being married to your best friend. It doesn’t have to break the bank. Here’s some ideas […]
A letter to you my dear
My dear it’s been 19 years since we first said I do. And I would do that I do all over again. We didn’t have a fancy wedding but we had a sweet wedding and that’s all that matters. To think of all we’ve been through in the last 19 years that we’ve been married […]
5 Tips to be Thankful for Your Marriage
Sometimes it’s hard to remember why you married your partner. There are so many good reasons you choose for this one to be your mate for life. How can you help your marriage? Let’s learn to be thankful for what we have. In this country we have so much. Changing our thinking can help lead […]
Happy Memorial Day friends
it’s been a great day. It has always been in the back of my mind that this day is set aside for the ones who have served past, present and future. My dad, his brother, my great uncle who never came back from the beach at Normandy, my cousin, my father in law and my […]
I will try to fix you…relationships
Lately I’ve been in a coldplay routine…probably because my oldest son won’t play anything else in the car. This song is constantly running through my head. It’s something you’d think a teenager would try to do. Let me tell you teens that the only person you can fix is you. Do not enter into a […]
ABC’s of Marriage
A~Arrange to take a date night together weekly. B~Be kind and treat your partner the way you want to be treated C~Connect with your partner by spending a minimum of 5 minutes alone without the kids each day D~Dream together. Share the dreams that you want to accomplish in this life. E~Encourage each other daily. […]
Is your spouse your best friend?
If not, why not? Can we improve on ways we interact with our spouse and make them our best friend again? My husband and I have been married for 18 years. I am happy to say that he is still my best friend. I think when you have small children at home it’s harder to […]
Finances and the newlyweds
When my hubby and I just got married we were not the least bit concerned with our finances. We, so, should have been. Finances are a major factor in determining if you will stay married or not. After a few years of marriage my partner and I took a class offered by our church that […]
Wise Words: Our Actual Friends
A friend of mine has asked that I participate in her wise words series. I am so happy to oblige! Here’s the quote: “How often we find ourselves turning our backs on our actual friends, that we may go and meet their ideal cousins.” – Henry David ThoreauWhat does this mean to you? To me it means we […]
The 4 Predictors of Divorce and 4 Predictors of Successful Marriages
This was first posted on the Marriage Resource Center. John Gottman, a “mathematical” marriage researcher, has identified four predictors of divorce known as “The Four Horsemen”. On the positive side, he has also identified four predictors of marriage success. Predictors of divorceStonewalling – withdrawing and refusing to participate in communicationCriticism – nagging without warmth and […]