Do you and your partner disagree on how and when to spend your money? Since I’m making more money now (I picked up another job) he wants a newer vehicle. He has a car and a truck. They were both made in the early 90’s. We are not a rich family but we are […]
Marriage: Keeping the spark alive
I’m looking for info here. What do you guys do that keeps the spark alive. I’d love to gather the responses into one big blog post. I’ll start. My dh and I steal away at least once a week and go do something together. We may not have any extra money but it doesn’t matter. […]
Making Time During the Holidays
The holidays are supposed to be a time to spend with family. Unfortunately, it’s easy to find your family racing from one gathering to the next without taking time to breathe. By the time New Year’s Eve rolls around, the tidings of comfort and joy can easily be replaced by resentment and stress if you […]
Dr. Phil’s 6 Ways to Ruin your Marriage
I don’t think anyone willingly sets out to ruin their marriage. If you plan to set out to ruin your marriage then make sure you do all of the ones below! If you are wanting to heal your relationship and are doing any of the following things you need to stop because you are harming […]
5 marriage tips and tricks
To keep your marriage alive you have to have some tips and tricks in your arsenal. We all want a happier marriage. What tips and tricks are in yours? Here are a few of mine. 1. Understand that your partner may have a bad day occasionally and may take it out on you. That doesn’t make it […]
Photo albums are so 90’s.
Have you ever made a photo book? This is my 4th one (ok so maybe not so 90’s, um maybe so 2010). LOL I love them! No more photo albums just books. Check mine out and please be kind! lol Click here to view this photo book larger Create your own personalized photo books at […]
Dance with Me?
There’s something so simple you can do to keep the spark alive in a marriage. My hubby and I went to take dance lessons last night. We were both worried that we wouldn’t like it. I knew a bit about it as I have taken line dancing in the past and loved it. Each time […]
You just married, now what?
Congratulations on planning your big day and having a nice honeymoon. Now what happens? Now you will learn to live together and settle into a life of constant companionship. It’s a warm and loving time. But it can also be a trying time as you learn to live together. Here are: 5 tips for less […]
Is not talking a problem in your marriage?
Make sure you are taking the time to listen…no, really listen to what they are saying. A lot of times what you fight about is just topics. Not the actual issue. Think back to what you are really mad/upset about and let’s talk about that. No sense in talking about his shoes being left all […]