Sometimes I look in my cabinets and think where did all this food come from. This week is the week I eat what we have! So here’s my menu for meals this week! Monday Meatless We will be eating Pinto Beans and Cornbread with a nice tossed salad. Tuesday White Chicken Chili Wednesday Eat up […]
Menu Monday Eat what’s in your pantry! #menumonday #planyourmeals
Menu Monday let’s eat clean everybody!

Unfortunately for us we get to put a new roof on our house. So our money this year will be extra tight. With that in mind I had already made a decision to eat clean this year. That means very little carbs, lots of whole foods and protein. I looked at the difference between paleo […]
Menu Monday use it up!
I’ve known for a little while that I have to pick up 40 lbs of fresh chicken today. So we have been eating out of our freezer so that I can hopefully put 40 lbs of chicken in there. It’s made for some interesting meals. It will make for some more interesting meals this week […]
Menu Monday #menumonday #planyourfood
The day in and day out of making meals for my family gets old. Doesn’t it? Ugh. It’s the same question every night. It’s easier to be able to tell them what I’ve planned if I have already planned it. So here’s my menu list of dinners for the week. Please send me a lifeline […]
Menu Monday #menumonday #weeklydinnermenus
I always feel better when my meals are planned for the week. So, by doing it for you I’m keeping myself accountable. Here’s my meals for this week. Monday- Big Salad with the works! hard boiled eggs, bacon bits, tomatoes, cucumber in dill Tuesday- Roasted chicken steamed asparagus and corn on the cob Wednesday- Shrimp […]
My menus of the week #menumonday #dinnermenus
When my hubby gets paid twice a month we go to the store. We purchase as much of the food we can for the next two weeks. I usually spend around $200 so around $100 a week for a family of 5. I try to make sure that we eat meatless at least once and […]
Menu Monday #menumonday #planyourmeals

Planning my meals for the week. More planning equals less chance of eating out. Of course with a family of 5 we do not eat out very often. It’s just too expensive. Our little babies are 16, 10 and 7. Only the 7 year old eats a kids meal! So no eating out for us. […]
Menu Monday #menumonday #menuplan
It’s Monday and this week is VBS at my church. So that means I have to be on top of everything I’m doing. I don’t know about you but doing VBS wears me out! I love it and think it adds great value to the church and the community but it does tend to make […]
It’s Menu Monday! Woot! Let’s plan dinner. #menumonday
We’re home from a lovely quiet vacation and I’m planning dinners based on what I already have in my freezer so that I don’t go back to the store again. Let’s do this! Anyone want to join me in a use what you already have week of menus? Let’s see what interesting things I can […]
Low Carb menus #menumonday
Today is my second week of eating low carb. I’ve not done perfectly but I’m down over 3 lbs and am ready to lose more. Here’s my dinner menus for the week. Monday is always meatless monday. Asparagus quiche…recipe to come! Tuesday Chicken Paprika in the crock pot, salad, corn on the cob for the […]